What Steps Are Required To Start A Blog?

What steps are required to start a blog? Learn the exact steps required to start your blog today.

Starting a blog can seem a daunting prospect if you’ve never done it before and with all the noise online it’s easy to get lost and discouraged.

But it doesn’t have to be that way because starting a blog or any other type of website is actually a very simple process if you know the right steps to take.

What Steps Are Required To Start A Blog?

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links – if you click through and make a purchase, Blog So Easy will earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

What Steps Are Required To Start A Blog?

Let’s take you through the steps you need to launch your own blog today!

Step 1: Find Your Why

Before you do anything else you need to be crystal clear on why you want to start a blog or website. The mechanics of starting a blog are super-easy as we’ll show below but keeping it going and growing takes significant effort.

One of the best ways to ensure that you’ll have the determination and peristence needed to keep going is to make sure you have a clear and compelling reason for starting it in the first place.

The “why” should come in 2 parts:

  • Part 1: this is the “practical” why – the why you could explain to a work colleague or bank manager. It’s what explains your reasoning from a logical perspective. Possible practical reasons why may include:
    • Promote an existing business/product/service
    • Talk about a topic your keen on (for some this means what they’re “passionate” about)
    • As a way to learn new skills (web development; SEO; social media marketing; content creation etc)
    • Create additional income streams
  • Part 2: this is the “emotional” why – the why you probably couldn’t explain but you feel it any way. It’s this why that will compel you to push on when the going gets tough. This why will give you the courage to try stuff you’ve never tried before and keeping getting back up whenever you get knocked down. These reasons may include:
    • To try and find space for you to express yourself
    • A platform to create ideas out of nothing
    • To leave a legacy
    • To start building your way to financial freedom

Step 2: Select A Topic For Your Blog

So now that you’re clear on why you want to start a blog, the next stage is deciding what your blog’s going to be about.

Picking a topic for your blog will partly be determined or at least informed by what you wrote down from step 1.

The topic you select will depend on what you want your blog to accomplish.If you want to create a blog

Let’s take a look at a possible framework you could use for selecting a topic (you can get this framework in a handy Google Sheet template):

  • 1 – Demand: How Much Demand Does Your Topic Have?
    • What is the search volume on Google?
    • Are people talking about it?
    • Is it likely to grow in future?
    • Are there any trends present today that could mean demand reduces in future?
    • Is demand consistent across the year? I.e. not seasonal
    • Do people carry a high level of buying intent?
  • 2 – Interest: Is It A Topic You Find Interesting?
    • Could you imagine writing about this topic every day?
    • Do you think you could get bored of this topic?
    • Is it something you could imagine talking to your friends and family about?
    • Could you add original value in this field with your ideas?#
  • 3 – Monetisation: Is There A Way To Monetise It?
    • Can you see some potential income streams from it?
    • Are there others in this space who are already making money from it?
    • Could one or more of the following income models be applied:-
      • Selling adverts
      • Affiliate marketing
      • E-commerce – selling products or services
      • Training/coaching/courses
      • Subscriptions
  • 4 – SEO POTENTIAL – Could You Find Keywords To Rank For On Search Engines?
    • Could you find keywords to rank for?
    • Would you be able to rank on Google and otherwise search engines?
    • Are there ways you could improve on what others are doing in this space?

Once you’ve addressed the above exercise you should have a pretty good feel for what topic you want to focus on.

You can get the above framework as Google Sheets template (Hit File and Make a Copy):

Step 3: Decide Which Platform You Will Use

The platform is where you will build your blog. The technical name for it is Content Management System (CMS) and you’ll see this banded about and it may sound complicated. In reality it’s not; it’s just a platform that will turn your sparkling words into a blog format. By far the most popular blogging platform is WordPress. It’s also the platform we use for (i) Blog So Easy, (ii) our main niche site and (iii) recommend to others.

We love WordPress because it’s so easy to use and it’s also intuitive – you can pick things up as you go without even realising.

It also gets installed automatically at the next stage of the process.

Step 4: Select Your Web Host Provider

The next stage of the process is one of the most critical; selecting which web host to use. A web host is a service that simply puts your website online and does what’s needed to keep it up. Every website needs one. The one we recommend, use ourselves and recommend to others also happens to be one of the most popular web hosts out there: Bluehost.

Their setup process is super-easy, fast and includes WordPress automatically. And for peace of mind they also have a 30 day money back guarantee.

How much does it cost? A Bluehost account works out to around $3.95 per month when you split the annual payment. You pay for the subscription in one go at the start which is quite good with helping you get committed and more importantly stay committed.

Can I start my blog for free? You can easily start a blog for free and we’ve actually tried to myself in the past. However, you’ll only get a small subset of the features you can with paid options and it can be tricky trying to switch later on. It also usually means you have to have advertising that’s beyond your control on your website.

Step 4.1: Choose Your Web Hosting Plan

Select the Get Started button and then choose which plan you want to go for. If it’s your first site the Basic plan will probably be good enough to get started.

You can always switch later if you need to.

Step 5: Choose A Domain Name

A domain name is the address of your website (e.g. blogsoeasy.co.uk). If you already know the name of your website you can enter here if not just choose “I’ll create my domain name later”.

How do I pick a good domain name? Selecting a good domain name can be daunting but don’t sweat it too much. Try to remember the following:

  • Keep it simple
  • Make it easy to remember
  • Don’t make it too long – 15 characters or less is ideal
  • Try not to use hyphens as they tend to be associated with spammy tactics
  • Try make it relevant to the topic

Step 6: Enter Your Account Information

Enter the necessary account details (name, email address etc) to get you setup and payment information for processing.

At this stage if you opted for the Basic or Plus package in step 2 be sure to select the “Domain Privacy Protection” – this will help keep your website more secure.

Step 7: Set Up Your Password

The next stage is to set up your account and password.

Step 8: Select A Theme For Your Blog

Once you have your account setup and you log on for the first time, it will be time to pick a theme for your website. Don’t worry too much if you can’t find the perfect one for you as you can always change it later.

If you’re unsure about which ones to go for, just look for something simple without too many colours at this stage.

What Comes Next

You now have functioning blog! That feels good doesn’t it! But what now? Let’s take a look at some of the first things you need to do with your shiny new blog.

Log Into WordPress

Now it’s time for you to login to WordPress and get cracking with building your shiny new blog. Click the WordPress button from the last step above. If you can’t see it go back to your email and select the WordPress link from there.

You’ll be taken to a screen that looks like this:

The WordPress dashboard is your control centre and where you’ll spend a lot of your time building your site.

It’s where you’ll write your posts (articles), manage your pages and all parts of your blog.

If you need to re-login into later, you can go back to your Bluehost main account, head down to “My Sites” and then hover over your website name then select “Log into WordPress”.

Have A Look At Your Shiny New Website

If you want to see what your new site looks like to visitors simply type in the address into a browser or from the WordPress dashboard hover over the house icon at the top with your website name and click visit site:

Don’t worry if you’re site looks very basic! That’s because you haven’t put your own touch on it yet and crucially it doesn’t have any content!

If you can’t see your site, make sure you try through the WordPress login because before you launch it, you’ll see a “Coming Soon” page.

Update Your Domain

When you first get started with Bluehost your site will have a temporary domain. Now it’s time to remove it and get started with your actual domain. The way to do this depends on what you selected during step 5.

  • Created A New Domain: If you created a new domain then you just need to activate it. You should have an email with instructions on how to do this – click the link in the email and Bluehost should do the rest.
  • Chose To Create It Later: Go to the Bluehost account area and hit Domains. Then select “Register”. You should then be able to search for a new domain and add it to your card. Your domain name is included in your sign-up so you should see a free credit – if not contact Bluehost support before purchasing it.

Change The Way Your Blog Looks

One of the best things about using WordPress is how easy it is to change the layout and design of your entire blog in just a few clicks.

The look of your design on WordPress is known as a “Theme”. Themes dictate the entire look of of your blog.

To get to themes and change your existing one, scroll down to Appearance on your WordPress dashboard and then hover over Themes.

You’ll then get to see all the themes that have been installed on your blog. Some of the ones you may see like Twenty Fifteen, Twenty Sixteen etc are very well designed and are used by some of the world’s most popular bloggers.

To get started it’s advisable to use one of these excellent themes. Once you are up and running and know your way around WordPress like a pro (which no doubt will come!), then you can play around even more.

You can preview your theme before you activate it to see what it will look like. Just hover over a theme and select Live Preview.

Once you have found the theme you are are happy with select Activate. That’s it; all done. You have now changed the theme of your entire blog to suit your own tastes!

Install A New Theme

If you don’t like any of the themes installed, you can find a completely new one in WordPress’ catalogue of thousands of themes.

You can use the Preview button to check how a theme appears before you choose to Install it. Once you hit Install the theme you select will be uploaded onto your blog.

Make Sure Your Site Is Secure With SSL

Next you need to make sure your site is secure with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL is a type of encryption that makes sure that the connection between your website and its users is secure.

It gives users the confidence that their information is in good hands and Google will appreciate it too.

If you’re site is not secure you’ll like see a “not secure” at the beginning of the web address on your browser or a little warning depending on the browser. Once you have secured it you’ll see a little padlock symbol.

You can also tell if a site is secure by looking at the full web address. An unsecure site starts with http:// but a secure one starts with https:// (like Blog So Easy).

If you opted to create a new domain or register it later you can secure your site via the Bluehost dashboard. If you go to My Sites then hover over your site and then select “Manage Site”.

Then select “Security” at the top and then toggle the off button next to “Free SSL Certificate” (this is included as part of your domain from Bluehost).

If your domain is registered elsewhere then get in touch with the registrar’s support desk to find out how to secure your site.

Write Your First Blog Post and Publish It

Now that your blog is nicely set up it’s time to actually get blogging!

You can now write your very first post. To do so, make sure your in the WordPress dashboard and on the left hand column click “Posts” and then Hit Add New

You’ll now be taken to the post editing screen where you can write your post. The first thing you need to do is add your post title.

Once you’ve done that you can get to writing. If you want to add a photo, there’s a little icon with a picture frame you can use to add them.

If you need to add paragraphs or sections you can click the plus “+” symbol on the left (Add Block) and it will give you a choice of the types of sections you’d like to add. Blocks are basically, well, the building blocks for your posts! You can add different types depending on how you need to structure your articles.

Once you are happy with your content, you hit the Publish button and get your blog out there to the world.

Launch Your Website

Before the world can see it though you need to actually launch your website.

Go to the “Coming Soon Active” at the top of the dashboard screen and follow the prompts to get your website launched.

Publish Content Regularly

Now that your website is up and running, be sure to publish new content regularly. Once a week is a great target and will keep your audience engaged. Prioritise quality content over quantity though.

Whatever you do, just keep publishing and keep at it! Sometimes the whole process will feel overwhelming and like an uphill climb but just stick with it and just focus on the next task, the next article.

Do You Need To Know Code For WordPress?

One of things that seems to put people off the most when it comes to starting a blog or website is knowing how to code. The question is though; do you need to know code for WordPress? The short answer is no, you don’t need to know code for WordPress. This is one of the reasons why we love WordPress so much and no doubt why millions the world over do so too.

Below we’ll take a closer look at this question (do you need to know code for a WordPress?) and assess why you don’t.

Do You Need To Know Code For WordPress?

Over the last year we’ve built 7 different websites for ourselves and paying clients using using WordPress and Bluehost. Bluehost provide the hosting and automatically install WordPress when you open an account. The whole process can take as little as 15 minutes to have a website up and running. All of this with absolutely no need to do any coding.

We didn’t know anything about coding before we started and that remains the case today albeit from the very basics of HTML. But the reality is that we’ve been able to build websites and start businesses with no coding knowledge.

Between Bluehost and WordPress there’s no need for us to learn code and it would be the same for you.

Lets take a wider look at why you do not need code for WordPress:

WordPress Is Very Easy To Use

The main reason overall that you don’t need to know code for WordPress is the fact it is super easy to use. The way we see it is, if you’ve ever used Word or anything similar or you can navigate your way around a desktop, search online etc then you can figure out how to use WordPress fairly quickly.

Everything on there is designed to be straightforward and it feels quite intuitive even if you are just a rookie.

The other great thing that makes WordPress so easy to use is the fact that whenever you’re stuck on something you can just jump on Google or YouTube and find the answer to your questions. We routinely jump on Google to figure out how to do something we’ve never done before on WordPress and there are tons of resources available.

Ready To Go Themes

Perhaps the biggest reason why you don’t need to know code for WordPress is that it comes with thousands of pre-coded ready made themes for your website. A theme is basically how your website looks and operates. It determines the style, layout, menu structure, functionality etc.

There a lots of free themes as well as paid for options. Most themes are also constantly updated and tweaked regularly.

All this means is that you can build and operate a WordPress website without having to touch a single line of code.

Excellent Choice of Plugins

As well as an excellent choice of ready-made themes, the other main reason why you don’t need to know code for WordPress are plugins. Plugins are basically little packages of software that can be added to your WordPress site to perform specific tasks or add additional features. For example we have a plugin for adding table of contents to our articles and another one to insert code into certain parts of the theme.

Plugins really do allow you to extend the functionality of your site and do things without coding that would not have been possible in the earlier days of web development if you didn’t have that kind of expertise.

What we like about plugins is that you can take a fairly basic WordPress theme and kick it up a gear without needing to write any code through using plugins.

A lot of the plugins available have free versions which will give you most of what you want though many have add-ons you need to pay for.

Conclusion: Do You Need To Know Code For WordPress?

So, after all is considered do you need to know code for WordPress? The clear answer based on our experience is that you do not need to know code to build a WordPress website. This is part of the beauty and appeal of WordPress and means creating a website is accessible to anyone willing to learn the basics of WordPress.

Ready to start your site with WordPress? Check out what Bluehost can offer you in addition to automatic WordPress installation.

Do You Need To Know Code For WordPress?: Tell Us Your Thoughts

Is Canva Any Good?

If you’re looking for a design application or software you may have come across Canva and be wondering; is Canva any good? If so let us tell you that yes it absolutely is. Canva is not only good it’s brilliant.

It’s something we’ve been using for all our designs on our sites and it’s served us very well.

Note: The links in this article are affiliate links and as such as we may earn a small commission if you purchase a product through the link. This does not impact what you pay.

Is Canva Any Good?

Let’s take a look at the reasons why we feel Canva is such a great choice if you need to design just about any type of visual.

It Will Make Anyone Look Good

Canva can make pretty much anyone willing to put some effort into it look like an absolute pro. Okay so it won’t make you magically better than you are at design but it will do a pretty god job of taking what would otherwise be average pieces of content and making them look awesome.

It’s Super Simple To Use

One of the most attractive features of Canva is how easy it is to use. Putting together designs is made easy by the click and drag options available on the platform.

Excellent Templates

Whether you want to post on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or just need a blog banner, Canva will have you covered as they have hundreds of ready made templates ready to go for each platform.

We love this aspect of it because you don’t have to start from scratch with a design. If you’ve ever stared at a blank page when starting to write you know how daunting that white space can be. This is 10 times worse when you need to design something (or at least some of us think so). That’s why Canva is so great; you can get started with their ready-made templates and then tailor it to your needs.

This has saved us a ton of time as we don’t sit there looking at a blank screen for 20 minutes thinking about how to structure the post.

Is Canva Any Good?
Is Canva Any Good?

Re-size Designs

If you’ve ever spent lots of time and effort on a design for one platform then had to spend just as much rejigging it for another platform then you’ll really appreciate Canva’s resizing function. This will for example, take a post designed for Pinterest and resize and reformat it for Facebook. This has saved us a lot of time and means you only have to worry about designing a post for one platform and then sending across all of your various social media platforms.

Now admittedly some styles of posts work better than others for this but overall it’s an awesome feature.

Great Photo Collection

The last thing you want when you’re designing a post is having to head to different sources to pull it altoghter. The classic time suck is trawling through stock photo sites for images.

This is why Canva’s photo collection is such a welcomed part of their toolkit. You get access to millions of photos that you can drop straight into your design without having to leave the app.

Awesome Icons

One of the areas (out of quite a lot it must be said) that really stands out on Canva is its “Elements” selection. These are a truly wide range of grapics, icons, illustrations, shapes and more that can be used to help elevate your designs and convey various messages.

Rather than having to design your own icons or find them from other sources, Canva provides a wide range of options and you have the choice in many of them to customise them to an extent particularly when it comes to the colour.

Great Choice In Text

It doesn’t matter how great your design is if your text game is weak.

Canva has you covered in this area as it not only offers a great selection of attractive texts but also provides you with some great text combinations to make your designs really pop.

Music For Your Designs

Another cool feature which makes Canva quite an attractive option and something we only noticed recently is the ability to add music to your creative work.

Music can make an average piece of content stand out and its great that you now have the option of adding a soundtrack to your designs.

Create Your Own Brand Kit

If you’re going to be using Canva consistently (like we do) for a particular brand then you’ll love their brand kit feature which allows you to setup your own unique styling features for your brand.

This includes your logos, specific colour palettes as well as the opportunity to upload your own unique font.

This is an excellent feature that allows you to maintain brand consistency across all of your posts with relative ease.

Conclusion: Is Canva Any Good?

So, is Canva any good? As you may be able to tell we definitely think so. No doubt there lots of other design apps out there but from what we’ve seen Canva ticks all the boxes and manages to do it in a way that pretty much anyone can pick up and run with.

Try Canva Pro Today

Is Canva Any Good: Tell Us What You Think

Why Do Most Bloggers Fail? Top 4 Reasons

Why Do Most Bloggers Fail? - Main Title Image
Why Do Most Bloggers Fail? Top 4 Reasons

We’ve often come across anecdotal stats that say most blogs fail within the first 3 months. Another stat is that apparently most bloggers never make $100 in their journey. These stats help to tell us that a lot of blogs and bloggers fail.

Today we wanted to take a closer look at why do most bloggers fail from the perspective of those who are still inside their first year of blogging but who’ve made it past 3 months and made more than $100 so far. The fact is from the outside that may not seem significant but there have been plenty of times when things looked bleak.

Now the best part of a year into the experience we felt it could be interesting to reflect on why so many people fail when it comes to blogging based on the things that have almost derailed us.

Why Do Most Bloggers Fail? Top 4 Reasons

There are probably thousands of reasons why individual bloggers fail but we’ve looked at what we believe are the top 4 reasons based on our experience so far.

#1 – They Give Up Too Soon

This may seem pretty obvious but we believe the first reason why most bloggers fail is that they simply give up too soon. The 3 month mark feels significant because within that time you’ll probably experience:-

  1. Elation and excitement with getting started
  2. Disappointment when you start posting but are getting no traffic
  3. Temptation to give in
  4. A decision point – do I keep going and hoping things change OR give up?

That’s a lot to go through in the first 3 months but when you look a it 3 months is not a long time. It’s barely enough time to get your site’s presence felt on Google. It takes on average 3 – 6 months for a website to start ranking on Google. In fact, research by AhRef’s, shows that most articles appearing in the top 10 positions on Google are 2 years and above. It also showed that only 22% pages in the top 10 positions were created within the prior 12 months.

Now this doesn’t necessarily mean that just waiting and hoping will get you onto Google but what it does mean is that those bloggers who quit within the first few months of starting out never actually give themselves enough of a chance.

#2 – Unrealistic Expectations

The other key reason for failure, especially early failure, is that perhaps bloggers set out with unrealistic expectations of what they’ll be able to accomplish and in what time scales. One of the things that have helped us stay the course thus far is that we set out with big hopes but realistic expectations. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be ambitious (otherwise what’s the point?) but what it does mean is that you need to be realistic with what you expect to see in terms of results a month in, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months etc.

If you set out expecting to see 100 visitors from your first post on day one, you know it’s probably not going to happen.

Study the area your going into. See what others have been able to achieve and calibrate your expectations accordingly. It doesn’t mean you should limit your ambitions to those that have gone before you in the long-term but certainly to begin with, you should have a good understanding of what results to expect so that you’re not disappointed when you check your reports for the umpteenth time to find no activity.

From our perspective what helped us initially is understanding that it was going to take at least 6 – 9 months before we started to see more than a few visitors a day and even contemplate a sale. When these things happened a lot earlier than we envisaged it was exciting but we still kept the perspective that it was a long-term play we were after.

#3 – No Strategy Or Process

Another reason why bloggers may fail is because they’re not following any kind of strategy and process. In the past we’ve failed with sites not only because of reasons #1 and #2 from above but also because we had no overall strategy mapped out and no process at all to back up any kind of strategy. When that happens you can find yourself trying out every new idea or tweak you come across in the hope it will bring quick results.

Instead what we’ve seen actually work is having an overall strategy and framework that guides your actions. So for example our first site is built around an SEO strategy that prioritises high user intent over anything else. This may not be to everyone’s tastes as it means we ignore or at least pay little attention to super-high volume keywords if we don’t think there’s a high level of intent and too much competition. This has helped to guide just about every we do and focus on. The process we’ve then built around this strategy is designed to support it in every way.

Now this may not necessarily be the best strategy we could have opted for and no doubt there are plenty of better ones out there. But the key point is that at least we have a strategy to follow and a framework and process to support it. This allows us to calibrate our timescales (#1) and expectations (#2) based on what has worked for others who have followed a similar strategy.

#4 – They Don’t Educate Themselves

When you try anything new one of the best ways to ensure you success is to try and learn as much as you can about whatever it is your doing. This helps you learn the best techniques as well as pitfulls to avoid. Perhaps one of the reasons why bloggers fail is that they don’t take the time to educate themselves in the various tools and techniques needed to succeed. We only speak from experience as our prior attempts with sites were hamstrung by some stuff that now feels pretty basic only because we’ve educated ourselves.

Part of the issue is that when people think of educating themselves, too often they’re taken back to their school classroom and quickly lose interest. In reality self-education today couldn’t be further from that and couldn’t be any easier.

Through podcasts, YouTube videos and guess what, blogs, we’ve managed to pick up enough knowledge and then apply it to be able to give ourselves a much better chance of succeeding.

A prime example of where we previously contributed to our own failure due to a lack of self-education is trying to get on Google. We’d launched multiple websites in the past and then just waited and hoped we would be found on Google. We’d keep checking weekly only to find we couldn’t find ourselves on search engines. Little did we know that the best way for a new website to be found on Google is you guessed it; tell Google you exist! It seems stupid not to think of that but that’s the thing with ignorance; it takes no prisoners. All it would have taken is some quick research to discover what is needed to get on Google.

Conclusion: Why Do Most Bloggers Fail?

So why do most bloggers fail? There are no doubt a ton of reasons why various bloggers fail but based on the albeit, still relatively short, experience we have it seems like a lot boils down to being suitably prepared in various ways. When we look at our top 4 reasons it looks like #4 is the most critical. With self-education you can tackle just about any of the other 3 issues.

Why Do Most Bloggers Fail? Tell Us Your Thoughts.

What Are The Best New Skills To Learn In 2020?

What Are The Best New Skills To Learn In 2020?

2020 has thrown up a lot of surprises thus far. One of the best ways to respond to uncertainty is to equip yourselves with new skills.

So if you’re looking to gain new skills you may be wondering; what are the best new skills to learn in 2020? Based on how the world works today, we believe the best new skills to learn. Below we take a look at what we believe are the 3 best skills to acquire in 2020:

  • 1 – SEO
  • 2 – Website building
  • 3 – Social Media Marketing

What Are The Best New Skills To Learn In 2020?

1Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What Is It

The first skill on our list is not surprisingly Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) because it is so fundamental to the way we all live life and consume products and services.

SEO is the the process of optimising website content to increase its visibility in organic search results therefore increasing the probability of your content ranking higher in search engine results.

Why’s It Important

It is said that as much as 87% of shoppers now start their journey for products online with a large chunck of that heading for search engines like Google.

Furthermore, 35% of consumers begin their shopping exercusions on Google.

SEO can help drive traffic to websites and therefore help connect customers with a high search and buying intent to sellers of products and services.

What Can You Do With It

If you can become an SEO practictioner it can potentially open up many doors:

Start Your Own Websites: Armed even with the basics of SEO you put yourself in a position where you can build websites and drive traffic to them. This opens up a world of possibilities if you want to generate income for yourself.

Consult For Others: With the skills needed to be able to drive traffic to websites, you could start providing consulting services to businesses and individuals who need to improve their search rankings and get more leads and customers.

Teach Others: SEO is a skill that is growing in demand. As of 2018, SEO jobs were growing 43% year on year. With demand increasing at such a rate once you acquire the skills and experience you then have the opportunity to teach others.

Get A Job In SEO: With more businesses and organisations recognising the value of SEO, jobs are opening up in that space. Once you have the necessary skills getting a job in this space becomes more viable.

Where To Get Started

There are endless resources today to get started with learning about SEO. Below we list a few sources for great free educational content on SEO.

One of the best ways to get started with learning about SEO is to simply start your own website and experiment as you learn – that’s what we’ve been doing and it’s a great way to learn.


2 – Building Websites

What Is It?

Website building is simply the process of starting a website, loading it with content, launching it and maintaining it. It dovetails quite well with SEO as you can use SEO to drive traffic to your site.

It also links very well with skill number 3 as you can also use social media marketing to drive traffic to your site.

Why’s It Important?

Pretty much everything we do today can involve websites. Whether it’s looking for a job or somewhere to eat or planning a wedding – at some point you’re going to be using a website.

The important of websites is only going to increase going forward.

The great thing with building websites today is that services like WordPress make it supereasy. Even if you’re a complete newbie to this space picking up the pace is much easier today than it was 10 – 15 years ago. You can build perfectly successful websites today with zero technical experience.

What Can You Do With It

Start Your Own Websites: Being able to start your own websites is a skill that can help you in many areas. Whether it’s producing an additional revenue stream, creating a site for your own business or simply having a productive hobby, being able to build your own websites can open up a lot of doors.

Build Websites For Others: Equipping yourself with the knowledge to build websites allows you to start hiring out this service for others. Regardless of the state of the economy, websites are always likely to be needed.

Teach Others: Once you are confident enough to build your websites and codify the process for doing it, you can then begin to teach others.

Get A Job: If you get to a point where you have enough experience and expertise in building sites, there are always jobs available in this space.

Where To Get Started

There are many ways to get started with learning how to build websites but we are bias here at Blog So Easy as the way we started was simply to start our first site on Bluehost built on WordPress.

We recommend this as a great way to get started as it means you get to experiment with the concepts you are learning in real-time.

If you’d rather not spend any money you can always try a free website via WordPress direct but it will be fairly limited in terms of what you can do and you won’t be able to fully customise it.

3 – Social Media Marketing

What Is It?

Social media marketing is the process of using social media platforms to communicate with your customers and audience with the aim of building awareness of your brand, increasing traffic to your website and sales. Social media allows brands and organisations to build engagement with their audience.

The main social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkIn, Twitter and Twitter.

Why’s It Important?

There are an estimated 3.5billion social media platform users every month, a truly astounding number and one that demonstrates the potential power in social media marketing.

What Can You Do With It?

Drive Traffic To Your Website:Armed with the knowledge of how to properly engage with social media platforms to drive engagement and traffic, you can boost visitors to your websites or those that you consult for.

Increase Sales: Being able to get audiences to engage with a brand is an effective way to try to increase sales. Having this skill set would mean you have the option of working for others or setting up your own operation and leveraging this skill.Social media marketing is the process of

What To Start

The great thing about social media marketing is that you can start experimenting and learning for free at any time. It’s free to join all the major social media platforms and there’s tons of quality free content online on the best ways to make use of these platforms.

What Are The Best New Skills To Learn In 2020?: Tell Us Your Thoughts.

How To Make Money From A Blog UK

So you’re thinking about starting a blog to maybe make a little bit of extra cash. But your wondering how do you actually make money from a blog in the UK?

If so you are not alone! We found ourselves in the same position not long ago and set off on a journey to answer the very same question.

Since then we’ve started doing just that – making a little bit of extra cash from a blog that’s UK based and below we share what we’ve learnt so far.

Part of the problem with making money from blogging is just the sheer noise there is out there.

You’ll see plenty of stuff telling you to just do this or that and eventually all will be well. But what if you’re completely fresh to all of this stuff and don’t have a clue what it actually means but are willing to learn.

Well hopefully then the stuff below will be of some value to you. Here we try and breakdown one of the most popular ways people make money from a blog (Amazon affiliate marketing).

We try to do it in a way you could explain to anyone else and also try to provide a handy diagram that hopefully make it even clearer.

We’ve found that part of the problem with all of this stuff is that people write like they’re talking to others in their community who already get it! But not everyone does, especially when you’re completely fresh to it.

How To Make Money From a Blog UK

So let’s take a closer look at one of the most popular ways to make money from a blog in the UK and indeed globally.

Affiliate Marketing

Note: Please feel free to use the above image but we kindly ask you to link to us when you do so

Affiliate marketing is probably the simplest method of monetising your blog. It’s beginner friendly as it’s a fairly straightforward model once you pick it up.

Affiliate marketing works by your blog/site essentially directing buyers to a particular product or service. You then get paid a set commission with the product or service provider for sending paying customers their way.

Perhaps the most famous affiliate marketing program around is Amazon’s (that’s what our affiliate site is based on).

Let’s walk through an example. Imagine your blog (NutsAboutSpeakers.com) deals with bluetooth speakers and Ben is looking for a new bluetooth speaker:

  • 1 – Ben jumps onto Google and types in “best Bluetooth speaker for under £50”. One of the results he sees on page 1 of Google is from your awesome blog covering some of the best Bluetooth speakers in that category.
  • 2 – Ben clicks through onto your website, reads a review and finds a speaker he likes from your recommendations. He decides to click the “buy now on Amazon” button.
  • 3 – After clicking through to Amazon, Ben buys the speaker in question.
  • 4 – The product is then shipped to Ben.
  • 5 – Once the speaker has been shipped to Ben, you get paid a commission based on a % of the total sale.
  • Note: The click from your blog is tracked via a cookie that lasts 24 hours. Even if Ben ends up buying something else on Amazon, the blog owner will still get a commission. You get paid a % of the total basket.

Its as simple as that. The name of the game is to try and get as many clicks through into your affiliate links as possible and hope they buy the product.

Amazon are not the only game in town and there are tons of options out there.

However, Amazon is a popular starting point as they’re such a massive player in the online retail space and have a global presence. They now allow you to benefit from sales generated in several countries even if your based in the UK including: USA, Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada and Japan.

It’s also very likely that you’ve already used Amazon for your own shopping needs and a fairly familiar with how they operate as a site. Being able to place yourself in the buyer’s shoes helps when thinking about your user experience.

When you first join Amazon, you get 6 months to generate 3 sales otherwise your account gets closed. Though it’s worth noting you can simply open another associate account fairly easily.

How Do You Direct People To Your Website?

The name of the game with affiliate marketing is to put yourself in between buyers and their chosen place of shopping by offering them value in someway.

To do so, you need to direct traffic to your website/blog. There are several ways to direct traffic including social media (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter), paid advertising and referrals (getting traffic from other websites).

However, perhaps the most effective way is through SEO traffic.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. When people refer to SEO it basically means trying to make your website appear more friendly to search engines most notably Google.

I say it is probably the most effective way of as it is estimated that 35% of consumers start their online shopping journey on a search engine. This is second to only Amazon at 38%.

Getting ranked on Google search results can be difficult especially if it is a popular product you pick. But if you are able to do so, you will be well set to receive consistent traffic to your website for as long as you can sustain your ranking.

Unlike social media and paid traffic, you do not have to keep constantly putting in effort on a daily basis to drive traffic from a particular article. You will always have to maintain your website and continue to add content regularly but it is not as demanding as other forms of driving traffic.

How Do You Know Which Is The Best Product or Service? `

Selecting the best product category or service when you are first starting out can seem like picking a needle out of a haystack. There’s so much choice out there and it can be hard to know what to pick.

If you already have something your interested in that may be a good starting point. For example if you love cycling then that could be a good place to start as there are tons of products you could blog about.

If not, Amazon for example will tell you directly what their best sellers are on their website. Have a look at their data and then think about what you’d find interesting writing about from their best performers.

You also want to make sure that you can stand to make enough commission to make it worth your while. To do this make sure the products you choose sell for a reasonable price taking into account Amazon’s fee schedule.

Final Thoughts

Starting your own blog, if done well, presents a great opportunity for you to make some side income. Affiliate marketing represents one of the best ways to make money from a blog in the UK.

There are a number of other ways to make an income from a blog including advertising and selling products directly however, affiliate marketing has next to no start-up costs (aside from paying for a website and hosting for which we would recommend Bluehost).

Do I Need To Be Passionate About My Blog?

Do I Need To Be Passionate About My Blog?

Do I need to be passionate about my blog? I keep seeing this question and the boiler plate answer seems to be “yes! You absolutely must be passionate about your blog for it to be successful”.

For sometime I believed it. I tried with various blogs previously to get them up and running but gave up after a few weeks after seeing zero traffic and no hope of getting any. Reflecting on why I gave up and reading content online I would come to the conclusion that it was a lack of passion. If only I could find a topic I was passionate about then I could make it work.

Except fast forward to today and with two sites up and running, I can see the idea that you simply have to be “passionate” about your blog seems off the mark.

What you need to make start and sustain an endeavour is not passion alone but rather commitment alongside it.

What Does It Mean To be Passionate?

Let’s take a look for a moment at what it means to be “passionate”.

The Cambridge dictionary defines passion as “a very powerful feeling, for example of sexual attraction, love, hate, anger or other emotion”. Whilst it defines passion for something as “an extreme interest in or wish for doing something, such as a hobby, activity, etc”.

When you look at the definition you start to see why it should not be the main driving force behind launching your blog or indeed any serious venture.

Blogging can be incredibly rewarding but takes a significant amount of effort especially in the early days as you try build your content to critical mass.

Beyond that you then have to have the discipline to write quality posts consistently, monitor the performance of your site(s), engage with your audience and what often gets forgotten, continue learning how to be better at it.

As we know, passion can be fleeting, it can come and go with us having seemingly no control of it (ever heard of the term “a crime of passion”?).

Passion is all you need for a summer romance by the beach. Passion alone will not sustain a marriage for decades.

Passion will get you to sign up for a hosting account, crack out a few posts and share it with your friends and family.

Passion alone will not have you waking up an hour earlier before your regular day-job each day to write a blog post consistently for 6 months.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying passion has no part to play in launching a blog or any other successful endeavour. What I am saying it should not the main and only criteria with which people decide whether or not to launch into a particular area.

What I’ve realised with my own journey is that what’s made the difference is not a new found passion. But rather a commitment to stay the course and put in the required effort even when things seem like they’re not moving.

Why Is The Whole Passion Idea So Popular?

So with that said, why is it that so many sources out there answer the question “do I need to be passionate about my blog?” with a great big “YES!”?

Saying you have to be passionate about your blog sounds cool and its easier. It romanticises and introduces emotions to what needs to be a conscious decision to commit rather than an impulsive reaction to a fleeting emotion.

It makes the whole thing sound so much more sexy than it otherwise would.

Let’s be honest – what’s going to get more views – saying “you just need PASSION for your blog to be successful” or “you need to be real dedicated, super committed and willing to do things you may not always enjoy, day in day out to give yourself even half chance”? Yeah, thought so.

Do I Need To Be Passionate About My Blog?

So, do you need to be passionate about your blog? Yes you do but you also need a whole lot more than just passion to take you from just starting a blog to sustaining it.

Alongside passion you need to build in commitment and discipline backed up by a clear purpose.

Put those factors together and you give yourself the best chance of lasting the distance.

What Topics Can You Blog About? Best 60 Ideas

What Topics Can You Blog About? Best 60 Ideas

Starting a blog has never been easier. But with so many different avenues you could pursue, what topics can you blog about?

Finding the right topic for you can be a difficult task especially if you are new to blogging.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best 60 ideas to help you answer the question – what topics can you blog about?

To compile this list we trawled through Google search volume data on AhRefs. The list below is arranged in no particular order.

What Topics Can You Blog About? Best 60 Ideas

Below is the full list of the best 60 ideas either based on their huge search volumes or in some cases where there might be an opportunity due to low competition.

Before we take a look at the full list, lets have a peak at a few that stood out in our research:


  • Global Monthly Search Volume: 613,000
    • USA: 98,000
    • UK: 52,000

It seems like you can’t go too long on social media or anywhere online these days without seeing the term “mindfulness” mentioned and the search volumes on Google reflect the same. Over 600,000 people worldwide search for what is a growing phenomenon that presents a great opportunity for bloggers whether they already practice it or are interested in learning more. What better way to learn about mindfulness than to blog about it and practice as you go.


Global Monthly Search Volume: 517,000

  • USA: 136,000
  • UK: 40,000

To the uninitiated meditation and mindfulness might be confused for the same thing but as Yoga International points out there are some key differences and both clearly have a huge audience. “Meditation” gets well over half a million searches on Google each month demonstrating the significant potential for would-be bloggers who have a passion for this growing topic.

Artificial Intelligence

Global Monthly Search Volume: 703,000

  • USA: 119,000
  • UK: 23,000

Interest in the field of artificial intelligence continues to grow year on year and this is reflected in huge search volumes on Google globally. The topic is searched for over 700,000 times every month making it a prime opportunity for bloggers who are keen on sharing their interest with a wider audience.

Celebrity News

Global Monthly Search Volume: 844,000

  • USA: 121,000
  • UK: 602,000

If you’re already a big celebrity news watcher and have always wanted to start a blog, we have some great news for you! Well over 3 quarters of a million searches on Google each month suggest you are in great company. The UK in particular seems to have a real passion for the daily activities of the celebrity world, with 602,000 searches alone coming from the UK.


Global Monthly Search Volume: 849,000

  • USA: 110,500
  • UK: 75,000

Some call them sneakers others call them trainers, either way those things you put on your feet when you need comfort for your run or just going about your day to day business, have a lot of people reaching for their keyboard and no doubt their wallets. With pretty much 850,000 searches on Google globally for sneakers/trainers, this would represent a great opportunity for bloggers who already have closets full of untouched Off-Whites just waiting for the right occasion.

Note: This page contains affiliate links – if you click through and make a purchase, Blog So Easy will earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

Best 60 Ideas

2Celebrity News
4Healthy tea
5Vegan (Veganism)
8Gluten Free Food
10Wooden Plates
11Football (soccer)
15Interior design
21Personal Development
22Self Improvement
24Personal Finance
27Global Warming
30Hip Hop
31Folk Music
38Artificial Intelligence
39Self Driving Cars
43Gift Wrapping
46Skin Care
50Gym Wear
58Mental Health
59Responsible Travel
60Space (as in beyond the stars)
What Topics Can You Blog About? Best 60 Ideas: What’s Inspired You? Let Us Know!

Ready To Get Started With Your Own Blog? Sign up to Bluehost now and get an extended 60 day money back guarantee only in April 2020!

How To Add Page To Footer WordPress

How To Add Page To Footer WordPress
How To Add Page To Footer WordPress

Have you ever had to add a page like your terms and conditions to your WordPress website footer but did not have a clue? I was in the same boat and struggled to find a good source for a while that clearly explained how to do just that. Once you know how it is quick process and so I thought I’d share this quickly to hopefully save you a bit of time.

Below we’ll cover how to add new pages as well as adding the privacy policy which WordPress have now made super-simple.

This function is useful for adding pages such as:

How To Add Page To Footer WordPress

In this example, I’ve created a new page called “Terms and Conditions” and I would like it to appear in the footer of my site.

1 – The first thing you need to do is head over to your WordPress dashboard and scroll down to Appearance. From there select Menus from the options.

2 – Next select create a new menu from the next screen.

3 – Now you need to create a new menu that you will then be able to use to add any page you need to at the bottom of your website/footer. In the example below I’ve called my menu “Policies”. Once you have named it, hit “Create Menu” at the bottom right hand corner.

4 – Next we need to add the “Terms and Conditions” page created previously to the new menu (“Policies”). Tick the box next to the page you need (“Terms and Conditions”) and then click “Add to Menu”.

5 – Click “Save Menu” once that’s done.

6 – Next click on “Appearance” on your Dashboard and select “Widgets”.

7 – Then find “Navigation Menu” from the list of Widgets.

8 – Click and drag the “Navigation Menu” widget over to your “Footer Widget”.

Note if the widget is available, you could also choose to insert the menu in the Sidebar if you prefer this style.

9 – From the dropdown list titled “Select Menu”, pick “Policies” and then hit “Save”.

You should now be able to see your selected in the footer of your website.

Is An SSL Certificate Worth it?

Is An SSL Certificate Worth It?
What Is SSL Certification?

If you’ve been setting up a website, you may have come across the term SSL Certificate and are wondering is an SSL Certificate worth it? The short answer to your question is that an SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) is most definitely worth it and is now something that is seen as a norm in terms of website security.

Below we’ll take a look at various factors to answer the following questions:

  • What Is An SSL Certificate?
  • Is An SSL Certificate Necessary?
  • Is An SSL Certificate Worth It?

Note: Please feel free to use the above image for your own purposes however, please do reference this page via a link.

What Is An SSL Certificate?

An SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) essentially enables a secure connection between a website and a user’s browser. Any information exchanged is encrypted and is therefore protected from unauthorised access.

This is important with any website but particularly so for those that exchange user logins, email address, personal details and bank details.

You can tell if a website offers SSL data protection as it will usually have a padlock symbol next to the URL or simply state “Secure”.

The other way to tell is that sites with SSL will start with HTTPS whilst those without remain with HTTP.

Is An SSL Certificate Necessary?

There are many reasons why SSL Certification is now essentially a must-have for website operators.

Data Protection Is A Visitor Priority

Data security and protection is a visitor priority now more so than ever before. Data breaches can result in serious consequences for users and website owners alike.

The SSL certification tells your visitors that you value their data security and are taking the necessary steps to try to protect it.

It provides an automatic seal of legitimacy and professionalism whether you’re a big or small site.

Google Sees It As a Must Have

Google, Firefox and other browsers have essentially made SSL Certification a must have by displaying the “Not Secure” warning on URL’s that are not encrypted with SSL.

This red flag can put off visitors immediately and keep them away.

In addition, Google will de-prioritise sites without HTTPS. Without it you will not be able to access some features that users come to expect as standard from their online experience such as geolocation.

Ranking Factor

Another major reason why an SSL Certificate is now effectively a must for any serious website owner is that Google has indicated previously that it is ranking factor.

That means if you don’t have SSL Certification for your website you’re likely to see your ranking negatively impacted and with it traffic to your site.

Match Your Competitors

There are many fields in which it literally pays to stand out amongst a crowded field. This is not one of them. You do not want to be one of the only operators in your chosen niche to not have an SSL Certificate.

This would give potential customers who have an endless list of choices a quick way to eliminate you as an option no matter how good your content is. Why bother take a risk with you when a competitor has this base covered?

According to Google, Chrome and Mac users spend over 90% of their online time on HTTPS pages demonstrating how imperative SSL Certification is for your website.

Is An SSL Certificate Worth It?

By now it’s probably clear why an SSL Certificate is most definitely worth it for your site.

The benefits outweight the actual cost of an SSL quite significantly. It’s very easy and relatively inexpensive to get an SSL Certificate for your webiste.

Bluehost offer free SSL Certification alongside their hosting packages.

Is Bluehost Good For Blogging?

Is Bluehost Good For Blogging?
Is Bluehost Good For Blogging?

If you’re searching for a web hosting platform for your new blog no doubt you’ve come across Bluehost many a time. You may be asking yourself – is Bluehost good for blogging?

The short answer is absolutely, yes. We use Bluehost to host this website and our first Amazon affiliate site. The experience thus far has been brilliant as Bluehost’s easy to use interface has allowed us to quickly pick up speed and focus on the stuff that matters whilst they take care of the heavy lifting.

Below we take a look at whether Bluehost is any good for blogging by looking at some pros and any cons based on our own experience.

Is Bluehost Good For Blogging?

Let’s take a look at some of the ways that Bluehost is good for blogging.

Bluehost: Pros

Automatic WordPress Installation

WordPress is the premier place for blogging and indeed websites. One of our favourite things about Bluehost is the fact that WordPress is automatically installed when you setup Bluehost.

This means you can go straight into the WordPress Dashboard and get cracking. The thing about WordPress is that it’s super easy to use and even if you are a complete beginner it really won’t take you long to pick up the basics you need to figure it out.

It also has tons of themes that are perfect for blogs and will help make your website look brilliant from day one. You just have sort out the content!

One thing to also note is that Bluehost is one of WordPress’ top recommended providers of its platforms which tells you everything about how highly regarded Bluehost is.

Great Reliability and Speed

We’ve found Bluehost to be highly reliable and quite importantly, fast.

Our websites load quickly which is critical to avoid high bounce rates. Studies have shown that a 1 second delay in page speed can result in 7% less conversions.

Furthermore, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load within 2 seconds. Whilst research by Google found that as load speed goes from 1 to 5 seconds the probability of users leaving increases by 90%.

24/7 Technical Support

There’s nothing worse than working late on your blog only to come to a half because of a technical issue you can’t resolve. This is why Bluehost’s 24/7 technical support is so beneficial.

You have support either by phone or chat 24/7 which can make all the difference when you’re trying to get something sorted urgently at midnight on a Saturday!

The 24/7 technical support is especially comforting if you’re a newbie to blogging as they can often carry out tasks on your behalf.

Excellent Reputation

With over 2 million websites using Bluehost to power their fucntions, it’s a pretty good sign that they’re doing something right.

Bluehost have built a reputation for delivering excellence globally and it shows with the number of people who trust it with their businesses and personal websites.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Want to start a blog but not 100% sure? How does a 30 day money back guarantee sound? (60 days only for sign-ups in April 2020).

Bluehost’s 30 day money back guarantee gives you the confidence to try out your blogging idea on their platform with no commitment.

Try it for 30 days and see how you feel then.

Cost Effective

At £3.08/$3.95 per month equivalent across 36 months for the basic plan you get great quality hosting at a really good price.

This price also includes a free custom domain and SSL certificate.

Bluehost: Cons

As with any service, Bluehost is not perfect though it comes close. Lets take a look at some of the potential drawbacks of Bluehost for your hosting needs.


Something to be mindful of is the fact that you’ll be presented with opportunities for up-selling of various add-ons which can be annoying if you just want the basics.

We would advise just sticking to what you need to start with and then seeing if there are free plug-ins available on WordPress to fulfil your needs.

Getting A-Hold of Customer Services By Phone

Though they do offer 24/7 technical support, some customers have complained about not always being able to get through to customer services on the phone.

We cannot speak to that personally as we have only ever used their chat function which is excellent.

Final Thoughts

There a plenty of options out there when it comes to picking a web host for your blog. But based on our experience and the views of over 2 million website owners globally, Bluehost is the very best option available for your blogging needs.

There a several reasons why it’s so highly rated:

  • Automatic WordPress Installation
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Excellent Reputation
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee (60 Days for April 2020)

If you’re looking for a reliable web hosting partner to get you going on your blogging journey or maybe looking for a new home for an existing site, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better host than Bluehost.

Is Bluehost Good For Blogging?: Tell us your thoughts.