What To Do With Free Time At Home – 7 Great Ideas

What To Do With Free Time At Home

“Be content to act, and leave the talking to others.” ―Baltasar Gracian

What To Do With Free Time At Home? If you’re tired of watching reruns of your favourite tv shows and can’t get out as much as you normally do you might be wondering how to fill your time.

There are so many creative and constructive ways to make use of any free time – there’s no excuse for not making the most of any time you have.

Whatever you decide, the key is to take action and just do SOMETHING! Don’t sit around complaining about not having something to do if you don’t do ANYTHING.

What To Do With Free Time At Home

Here are a list of 7 ideas that will help to keep you occupied and your mind stimulated:

1 – Learn A New Skill

Acquiring a new skill could be one of the best ways to make use of your additional free time.

There are so many ways out there to acquire new knowledge and it’s easier than ever before.

As well as sharpening your tools it will also keep your brain stimulated which will help to boost your mental health.

Quite importantly in a lot of cases it’s absolutely free. I’ve learnt pretty much everything I know about SEO through podcasts.

If you’re now confined to your home office with limited social interaction, having a podcast on in the background can be a great way to keep you lightly entertained whilst also filling you with expert knowledge.

It’s never a bad idea to pick up a new skill especially in a world where technology is rapidly changing the work landscape.

Here are a few potential skills you could look into:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Website development
  • Languages (Spanish; French; Swahili)
  • Advanced Excel
  • Learning an instrument

2 – Listen To Podcasts

We’ve sort of covered this in #2 but it’s worth featuring on its own because podcasts offer such a wealth of high quality content and entertainment.

Whether you want to learn, simply be entertained or just pass some time you can find a podcast that can cater to your mood.

Here are some of our favourite podcasts to get you started:

3 – Start A Blog

There’s never been a better time to start a blog. Right now is the perfect opportunity for you to start that blog you’ve always dreamt about.

Whether it’s a passion you’ve always enjoyed or a topic you’ve always wanted to learn more about, blogging is the perfect way to fully engage in it.

It will give you a project to get stuck into that’s not work related and will help to keep your brain stimulated.

Get signed up to Bluehost here to get started.

4 – Start A Journal

There’s no better time to start journaling and writing daily reflections than when you have lots of free time on your hands.

As well as keeping your mind stimulated, it will also help you with keeping focused on what’s important to you.

5 – Start A Podcast

Can’t find a podcast that caters to your interest? Then why not start your very own podcast!

Its never been easier to produce your own content and the podcast format is no exception.

With a basic microphone and a laptop you can get started on your journey.

6 – Take Up A Hobby

There’s no better time to take up a gentle hobby like sewing or baking then when you have extra free time. Here are a few ideas for hobbies you can take up at home:

  • Baking
  • Sewing
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Writing

7 – Workout

Working out at home can be a great way to keep your mind and body both fit and health.

Head over to YouTube and you’ll find a gazillion ways to get active.

What To Do With Free Time At Home – 7 Great Ideas: Tell Us Your Thoughts

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